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陳俊峰醫師專區 - 星狀神經節阻斷療法
週五, 04 六月 2010 00:50

Stellate ganglion Block for the Treatment of Ocular Diseases



Matsuura Eye Clinic


   Is stellate ganglion block (SGB) really useful for the therapy of ocular diseases ? In order to answer this question, SGB has been applied to the cases which couldn't be recovered by general methods. As a result, the following five ocular diseases were thought to be good indications for SGB.
 1.Prolonged post-operative ocular pain(開刀後眼睛遲延痛)
   16 cases were treated by SGB. 6 cases were deafferentation pain. SGB was effective in 4 of 6 cases. 10 cases were non-deafferentation pain. SGB was very effective in all of them.

   SGB was applied to 6 cases. All of them were recovered by SGB.

 3.Central retinal artery occulusion(視網膜中央動脈阻塞)
   In 10 of 15 cases, visual acuity improved. The improvement was caused by the decrease of macular edema.

 4.Cystoid macular edema after cataract surgery(白內障術後囊樣黃斑水腫)
  35 cases were treated by SGB. All of them got improved visual acuity.

 5.Central exudative chorioretinopathy(中心性滲出性脈絡膜視網膜病變)
  In 34 of 43 cases which were treated by SGB, visual acuity improved. On the other hand, in 22 cases of the non-SGB control group, visual acuity improved in only 6 cases.
The Journal of the Japan Society of Pain Clinicians (JJSPC) Vol. 1 No. 1, 1994